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Paid Search Engine Listing / Paid Inclusion

Showing 0 - 4

For web publishers who require a greater level of exposure, we have added the paid search engine listing field to our search engine list. Sites offering thse services will have a link next to this field. The link will take users directly to the paid listing location for the search engine in question.

  [0-4]  [5-9]  [10-14]  [15-19]  [20-24]


Feed reach: 21198.24
Yahoo Search Engine :  Home Page
Free Search Engine Submission :  yes
Free Submission :  [http://docs.ya...]
Email Confirmation :  no
Forced Membership :  no
Paid Listing :  [http://smallbu...]
Pay Per Click :  [http://smallbu...]
Affiliate Program :  None
Free Api :  None
Pay Api :  None
Alexa Reach Rank :  1
Alexa Reach :  291250
% From Search :  6
Search Traffic :  17475.00
% From Directory :  1
Directory Traffic :  2912.50
Total Relavant Traffic :  20387.5

Feed Reach : 

Description :  Yahoo is decidedly one of the most popular internet sites around, and now they are making major advances in the search engine market with their recent aquisition of Inktomi. As of this writing free submission into Yahoo’s directory is still available, but we are curious to see how long it stays this way.

Extended Info


Feed reach: 6108.14
AltaVista Search Engine :  Home Page
Free Search Engine Submission :  yes
Free Submission :  [http://addurl....]
Email Confirmation :  yes
Forced Membership :  no
Paid Listing :  [http://addurl....]
Pay Per Click :  None
Affiliate Program :  None
Free Api :  None
Pay Api :  None
Alexa Reach Rank :  46
Alexa Reach :  9810
% From Search :  54
Search Traffic :  5297.40
% From Directory :  0
Directory Traffic :  0.00
Total Relavant Traffic :  5297.4

Feed Reach : 

Description :  One of the largest search engines to still allow free submissions, AltaVista is a definite must for searchers and submitters alike. They have an attractive interface and fast, reliable servers.

Extended Info

All The Web

Feed reach: 2401.7
All The Web Search Engine :  Home Page
Free Search Engine Submission :  yes
Free Submission :  [http://addurl....]
Email Confirmation :  yes
Forced Membership :  no
Paid Listing :  [http://insite....]
Pay Per Click :  None
Affiliate Program :  None
Free Api :  None
Pay Api :  None
Alexa Reach Rank :  301
Alexa Reach :  2555
% From Search :  94
Search Traffic :  2401.70
% From Directory :  0
Directory Traffic :  0.00
Total Relavant Traffic :  2401.7

Feed Reach : 

Description :  As a property of Overture, we were quite surprised to discover that All The Web accepts free submissions. With a sleek interface, free submission, fast servers and a two week crawl time this search engine stands apart from the rest - even if it does look suspiciously like AltaVista.

AlltheWeb :: find it all

Extended Info


Feed reach: 2019.6
Dogpile Search Engine :  Home Page
Free Search Engine Submission :  no
Paid Listing :  [http://www.qks...]
Pay Per Click :  None
Affiliate Program :  None
Free Api :  None
Pay Api :  None
Alexa Reach Rank :  394
Alexa Reach :  2040
% From Search :  98
Search Traffic :  1999.20
% From Directory :  1
Directory Traffic :  20.40
Total Relavant Traffic :  2019.6

Feed Reach : 

Description :  With a cuddly mascot and a name that implies exactly how they function, it is easy to see how these guys became a contender in the market place. Dogpile runs queries against several other search engines and returns the best results from the returned data. As of the year 2000 Dogpile has been owned by InfoSpace.

Extended Info


Feed reach: 1920.8
HotBot Search Engine :  Home Page
Free Search Engine Submission :  no
Paid Listing :  [http://insite....]
Pay Per Click :  None
Affiliate Program :  None
Free Api :  None
Pay Api :  None
Alexa Reach Rank :  413
Alexa Reach :  1960
% From Search :  98
Search Traffic :  1920.80
% From Directory :  0
Directory Traffic :  0.00
Total Relavant Traffic :  1920.8

Feed Reach : 

Description :  Now owned by Lycos, HotBot offers the standard array of search engine features with a large traffic base. While many search engines are entirely content driven, HotBot has taken the time to design several skins for the site that the surfer can choose from. It offers a nice touch of personality without forcing a membership login on the surfer.

Extended Info

Paid Search Engine Listing / Paid Inclusion Showing 0 - 4
  [0-4]  [5-9]  [10-14]  [15-19]  [20-24]


· Reach: With one advertising buy, you can reach up to 80% of all Internet users because you’ll be listed on some of the best search engines and portals on the Web.
· Targeted Leads: Customers who click on your search listings are pre-qualified, motivated and looking for what you have to offer.
· Bottom Line Results: You control the cost of acquiring new customers, and you pay only for targeted leads. This translates into a high return on your advertising investment. Sign up with Overture now!

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